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Nutrition Clinic Update

Posted by Caroline Masters on

Successful First Six months for the Nutrition Clinic at Whelehans Pharmacy

The new extended Nutrition Clinic at Whelehans opened last September and operates two days each week.  Nutritional Therapist, Caroline Masters, has welcomed a host of different clients over this time helping them to improve their eating habits, look at lifestyle changes and help with weight loss. Readers of the Westmeath Examiner will be familiar with her nutrition column.

Weight loss is one of her specialist areas and an outstanding 300lb (21 stone) has been lost by her clients in the last 6 months.  The clients attending the clinic are happy with the practical advice and support they receive and the one to one consultations and follow ups are tailored to individual needs.  Everyone comments on the welcoming and non-judgemental ethos of the clinic and many who have found it difficult to lose weight before have been successful with this programme.

At the clinic an initial full consultation is arranged for you and this is followed up with one to one half hour follow ups. During these meetings you will receive monitoring and motivation along with education regarding food choices and addressing bad habits.  As Caroline lost weight herself a number of years ago she understands the struggles and challenges that people have while trying to lose weight.

Caroline says that she wants people to come into the clinic and learn about their body and food choices so that they can fuel themselves for best health today and for a heathier future. Small daily changes will add up to big results and food is so important for mood, coping skills and to help ease conditions we may be suffering from. 

Nutrition clients can also avail of many other health checks at Whelehans Pharmacy at reduced rates. 

Caroline Masters, 086 3994615, email or 044 9335491.

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