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In the second installment of our review of "Flat Feet" we assess "When should I consider treatment?"

Posted by Eamonn Brady on

Flat Feet (Part 2)


When is treatment needed?

Most flat feet do not cause any problem, so no treatment is needed. Reasons to look for treatment include:

  • Pain (not eased by any type of footwear). Flat feet do not usually cause pain but can put strain on muscles and ligaments (connect two bones together at a joint). This can use leg pain when walking. Pain from flat feet can occur in several areas including inside the ankle, at arch of the foot, the outer side of the foot, calf, knee, hip or back.
  • Wearing out shoes quickly
  • Feet appear to be getting flatter
  • Feet tire easily
  • Swelling on the inside bottom of feet
  • Feet are stiff
  • Lack of feeling in the feet or weakness


There is some evidence that flat feet can contribute to osteoarthritis of the feet and that flat feet can reduce the shock absorbing qualities of the feet leading to back problems and back pain.


No treatment is required if flat feet do not cause problems. Well-fitted shoes, especially extra-broad fitting types of shoes can help. For people suffering from over-pronated feet, a special insole, which prevents feet rolling over too much, can ease the problems. These specialised insoles can be advised on by a chiropodist or a physiotherapist who are specialists in assessing for and measuring the specialist insoles. These insoles are also called orthotics and are available in pharmacies. If pain occurs, rest, ice, and over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, or NSAIDS (e.g., ibuprofen) can give relief; however, painkillers should only be a temporary solution; the cause of the problem should be identified and corrected.



A chiropodist can diagnose, advise on, and treat flat feet. Whelehan’s Pearse St has chiropodist James Pedley in store in our private treatment room every Tuesday and Thursday. Book online, in store or by phoning 04493 34591.


 1st Contact Physio

 1st Contact Physio with Chartered Physiotherapist, Kevin D’Arcy. MISCP. Located in the private consultation suite, upstairs at Whelehans Pharmacy, 38 Pearse St, Mullingar


1st Contact Physio services include sports injuries, spinal injuries, back pain management, neck, and shoulder pain, post operative physiotherapy, sports rehabilitation, orthotics (including for flat feet), and sports massage. Physiotherapy is €60 for initial session and €50 for follow up sessions, Kevin offers reduced physiotherapy rates for Medical Card holders, children, and sports clubs. Book your appointment on the Whelehans website or Call Kevin on 0873813473 or Email


To be continued…next week


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