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In the final part of our UTI review we discuss treatment and offer self help do's and don't's

Posted by Eamonn Brady on

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI’s)

(Part 3)


Once a UTI diagnosis is confirmed, in most cases a course of antibiotic treatment is prescribed. It is important to stress that the recommended course is completed even if there is noticeable immediate improvement.

The following antibiotic treatment options are according to the HSE’s most recent prescribing recommendations (Sep 2021): -

Uncomplicated lower UTI’s

Courses of below antibiotics for 3 days for females and for 7 days for males

1st Choice options: Nitrofurantoin

Alternative 1st Choice options (if nitrofurantoin unsuitable): Cefalexin or Trimethoprim

Additional alternative for females: Fosfomycin 3g Single dose


Acute Pyelonephritis (Kidney Infection)

1st Choice options: Cefalexin                      

2nd Choice options / Penicillin allergy: Ciprofloxacin       


Self help


  • Toilet Hygiene – wipe from front to back – takes potential infectious matter away from urethra entrance
  • Fully void the bladder when urinating – minimises risk of urine remaining in bladder too long and infection risk
  • Drink plenty of fluids – helps in flushing out urethra regularly
  • Take showers instead of baths
  • Wear natural fabric underwear and loose-fitting jeans or trousers
  • Urinate as soon as possible following sexual intercourse
  • Maintain health cleaning routine for genitals


  • Avoid perfumed hygiene products, soaps, bubble baths etc
  • If you need to go……go! Don’t hold it in!
  • Avoid contraceptive products with any spermicidal lube

Regarding natural remedies, there is very little actual proof that cranberry juice or using probiotics or consuming natural yoghurt reduces the chances of contracting a UTI

In summary, UTI’s are all too common, especially for women. In a high percentage of cases- the infection is mild and can be manged with paracetamol or other over the counter anti-inflammatory painkillers (eg.) ibuprofen and other products available over the counter in pharmacies that help reduce acidity of the urine and clear up in a couple of days. If, symptoms do not improve within 48 hours, then it’s important to keep close eye on any developing symptoms and take immediate action if things develop quickly.

For comprehensive and free health advice and information call in to Whelehans, log on to or dial 04493 34591 (Pearse St) or 04493 10266 (Clonmore). Email queries to Find us on Facebook.

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