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COVID-19 Autumn 24 Booster Hub


Autumn booster doses are available from September 26th

"Walk in" clinics every Thursday at our Pearse Street store

9am - 1pm 

2pm - 5:30pm 

No need to pre-book.

 ***** IMPORTANT *****


Who can get an Autumn booster 2024?

You will be offered a booster dose if you are:

If you're age 18 to 59 and not in one of the groups above, you can still request a vaccine. Talk to your GP or pharmacist about your reasons for wanting a booster.

Our aim is to have you in and out as quickly as possible, usually about 20 mins. The vaccine will be delivered by injection into your upper arm in the privacy of our vaccination suite.

As is the case with all medicines, vaccines may cause side effects. Not everyone gets side effects, however for those that do, most of these side effects are mild to moderate and short-term.

Comprehensive HSE information on the Pfizer / BioNTech Covid-19 booster vaccine dose  is available here

A guide of what to expect after your vaccine is available here.

 If you have any questions or need any further please do not hesitate to contact the vaccine team at Whelehans Pearse St on 044 9334591, or email