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Whelehans Health News

Do you suffer with circulation problems?

Posted by Eamonn Brady on

We often hear people say they have “poor circulation”. There are many different causes of poor circulation and many conditions that can lead to poor circulation. Symptoms of these conditions can include “cold hands”, pins and needles in hands and feet, numbness, varicose veins, leg cramps, a heavy feeling in the limbs and swollen ankles. Serious and even life threatening conditions that can occur include leg ulcers, gangrene, kidney failure and brain aneurisms. We have 100,000 miles of blood vessels in a complex network throughout our body.


Poor circulation is medically referred to as Vascular Disease. Vascular Disease includes any condition that affects your circulatory system including diseases of arteries, veins and lymph vessels as well as blood disorders that affect circulation. These include Peripheral Artery Disease, Renal Artery Disease, Varicose Veins, Venous Blood Clots, Aneurysm, Raynaud’s Disease, Peripheral Venous Disease and Erectile Dysfunction. I have discussed each of these conditions in more detail in the Westmeath Topic in the past. Check for these articles or you can ask a Whelehans member of staff for a free copy.

What is our BPro Cardio Screen Service?

Whelehans now has a cardiovascular health check called BPro Cardio Screen. This test measures the stiffness of your arteries to help identify risk of blockages and your risk of cardiovascular disease and circulation problems. BPRo is placed like a watch on your wrist and is completely pain free. A pulse wave reads and calculates a wave signal that indicates the elasticity of large, small, and peripheral artery walls as well as tests for stress, central blood pressure, heart rate, and more. It is now only €35 (was €50); it only takes about 15 minutes to get checked. Our next clinic is Thursday February 11th from 9am to 5pm. Book by calling Whelehans at 04493 34591.


To be continued…next week I will discuss atherosclerosis in more details


Arginine or BPro Cardio Screen is not meant as a substitute for proper medical assessment with your doctor and should not replace prescription medication


For comprehensive and free health advice and information call in to Whelehans, log on to or dial 04493 34591.



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“Operation Transformation” 

Posted by Aisling Murray on

Have you been inspired by RTE’s “Operation Transformation”? Committed to making a positive change in 2016? An important part of getting started on the path to real change is to understand where you are now, starting with this question….. Do you know your numbers? Knowing your own vital numbers gives you your starting point.


As part of our commitment to helping you be healthier in 2016, Whelehans have teamed up the Operation Transformation team to offer you the opportunity to have your BMI, weight and waist measurements measured at no charge by a qualified nutritionist.


On Saturday 9th January, we host a “Do you know your numbers” weight management event with Nutritionist Aisling Murray at Whelehans Pharmacy. We will offer free BMI, weight and waist measurements for the day. Simply call Whelehans at 04493 34591 to book your free check. As an extra bonus, our Nutritionist Aisling is offering free nutrition advice on the day.


Our weight management service

Once you know your numbers you have the benchmark you need to set your own goals and targets. To help you achieve all you want to, take advantage of our nutrition service at Whelehans where can get the comprehensive support and information you need to help you reach your target weight.

 More importantly, we can help you maintain both your target weight and healthy dietary habits. Aisling, our qualified nutritionist will help you each step of the way to reach your goals through a mix of weight checks, support along with professional dietary and nutritional advice. You will be weighed on a weekly basis and we will calculate your body mass index.

 Our service is now at a special weekly rate of only €10 per week. Your private and confidential one to one appointments with Aisling are held in our purpose built consultation room within the Pharmacy.


Take the first step on the path to a new you in 2016, call 04493 34591 now for more information or to book your place. With the first installment of Operation Transformation airing on RTE on Wednesday January 6th at 8:30pm, our event will be popular and with places limited, be sure to call quickly to secure your place


Aisling Murray has a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and offers a one to one specialist nutrition service as well as a weekly weight management clinic at Whelehans Pharmacy. Call Whelehans at 04493 34591 for an appointment

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Posted by Eamonn Brady on


Wetter and colder winter weather means cases of headlice increase we spend more time indoors in close proximity. Head lice (Pediculus capitis) affects only humans, and cannot be passed on to, or caught from animals. Head lice are common in schoolchildren, particularly between the ages of 4 and 11, but anyone with hair can catch them.  The lice are small wingless insects that feed on blood obtained by biting the scalp.  These bites tend to be itchy and this itchiness is caused by an allergy to the lice.  Female lice lay their eggs at the hair roots, particularly near warm areas behind the ears and at the back of neck. These eggs appear as white or white coloured grains and are best removed with a fine comb while the hair is wet. 


Infestation often causes itching of the scalp, but may also go unnoticed.  If you suspect head lice, check the base of hairs for eggs and comb the hair over a piece of white paper and the lice will appear as pink or brown specks. Sometimes an infestation is marked by tiny red spots on the scalp.  Lice may be visible in the hair behind the ears and at the nape of the neck as these are favourite spots for infestations.   



Head lice are transferred by close hair-to-hair contact.  They cannot jump, fly or swim, but walk from one hair to another.  It is a misconception that head lice infestation is as a result of dirty hair and poor hygiene.  



Lice can be a persistent and recurring nuisance, so it is important to treat them quickly and thoroughly. If one member of the family needs treatment it is important to check the rest of the family and treat if live lice are seen.



Wet combing, is used to remove lice without using chemical treatments.  This method is helpful because head lice are growing increasingly resistant to insecticides used to remove them.  The following steps are best to follow:

  • Wash the hair as normal using an ordinary shampoo.
  • Apply conditioner liberally to wet hair (this causes lice to lose their grip on hair).
  • Comb the hair through with a normal comb first. With a fine tooth nit comb (available in pharmacies), comb from the roots along the complete length of the hair and after each stroke check the comb for lice and wipe it clean. Work methodically over the whole head for at least 30 minutes.
  • Rinse the hair as normal.
  • Repeat every three days for at least two weeks.



Only use a lotion if you find a living (moving) head louse. Apply the preparation according to the instructions, and remove the lice and eggs with a fine-toothed nit comb.  Treatment should only be done once and then repeated seven days later. There is no need to wash clothing, or bedding, if they have come into contact with head lice.  This is because head lice quickly die without a host to provide warmth and food.


There is a vast array of insect repellants available in pharmacies. In recent years easy to use treatments such as Lyclear® Crème Rinse (contains lice comb in pack) are proving popular as they involve only a 10 minute treatment. Lyclear® Crème Rinse can be used on children over 6 months. Lyclear has a pleasant smell and is suitable for asthmatics.



RobiComb® is an example of an electronic lice comb. It detects and kills lice without the need for chemicals. It uses an AA battery.  



The best prevention is normal hair care and checking yours and your family's hair and scalp periodically.  If your child has long hair, tie it back as this helps to reduce the likelihood of contact between their hair and that of an infected child. Regular combing of hair using the “wet combing” method (see above) can help with early detection as well as treatment. Repellants (available in pharmacies) may help to prevent head lice but effectiveness is unclear.



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Haemochromotosis Part 2

Posted by Eamonn Brady on

Eamonn Brady is a pharmacist and the owner of Whelehans Pharmacy, Pearse St, Mullingar. If you have any health questions e-mail them to

This is the conclusion to last week’s article on haemochromatosis. To re-cap haemochromatosis is a hereditary condition caused by the body’s iron levels building up excessively. It can also be referred to as “iron overload disorder”.


Many of the usual symptoms of haemochromatosis are similar to other conditions meaning it can be tricky diagnosing. Haemochromatosis is often diagnosed during unrelated blood tests. There is a one in four chance of developing haemochromatosis if a close blood relative (parent, sibling) is diagnosed.

Blood tests

Blood tests are used to diagnose haemochromatosis and the two blood tests that can diagnose include transferrin saturation (reveals how much iron is readily available to use by the body; transferrin saturation levels of below 45% may indicate haemochromatosis) and serum ferritin (determines the amount of iron in storage in the body)

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Haemochromotosis - Part 1

Posted by Eamonn Brady on

Eamonn Brady is a pharmacist and the owner of Whelehans Pharmacy, Pearse St, Mullingar. If you have any health questions e-mail them to

Haemochromatosis is a hereditary condition caused by the body’s iron levels building up excessively. It can also be referred to as “iron overload disorder”. Haemochromatosis is called the “Celtic Curse” as it is more common in Ireland than any other country in the world. Approximately one in 83 people in Ireland are affected whereas frequency in other northern European countries varies from one in 200 to one in 400.


Haemochromatosis is a hereditary condition due to a faulty gene called HFE meaning too much iron is absorbed from our diet. Without the condition, the body only takes in as much as is needed; however haemochromatosis causes more iron to be absorbed than is needed thus causing excess iron to build up in the body eventually leading to symptoms and organ damage including liver and heart damage.


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