Boys…Don’t Make a Balls of your Health
Posted by Eamonn Brady on
Next week, June 13th to June 19th, is Men’s Health Week, this International Initiative raises awareness of men’s health issues. With the Euro’s starting this week, the theme this year is “Men United-for Health and Wellbeing”. Pharmacist Eamonn Brady of Whelehans Pharmacy, explains the fact that “men in general do not take as much interest in their health as women is one of the major reasons men die younger than women as proven by men’s lower life expectancy statistics”
What are the aims of Men’s Health Week?
- Heighten awareness of preventable health problems for males of all ages.
- Support men and boys to engage in healthier lifestyle choices / activities.
- Encourage the early detection and treatment of health difficulties in males
Boys…Don’t make a balls of your Health!
The Whelehans Pharmacy theme for their men’s health initiative this year is “Boys…don’t make a balls of your health” with their focus this year on testicular cancer. Pharmacist Eamonn Brady explains “while our slogan is a little tongue in cheek, it has a serious message. We hope our message will highlight the risk of testicular cancer in men. A sad fact is that while 1 in 4 women are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime; the rate for men is 1 in 3. It is time for men to take their health seriously”. Eamonn explains “evidence shows that men are 70% less likely than women to visit their GP or get a medical checkup when something is wrong. Men will get their car serviced annually, but many will not get the more important checkup, a checkup from their GP”. Testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers in men and rates have doubled since the 1970s. Simple regular self-checks can detect potential problems early and will save lives.
How to self-check for testicular cancer
Pharmacist Eamonn Brady explains “Most testicular cancers are found by men themselves or their partner, very few are found by a doctor. This is why it is so important to be familiar with what is normal and if you do notice any changes then see a doctor immediately.” All men should to a monthly check. The check only takes a minute. Best practice is to “hold your penis out of the way and check one testicle at a time. Hold the testicle between your thumbs and fingers of both hands and roll it gently between your fingers. Look and feel for any hard lumps or smooth rounded bumps or any change in the size, shape, or consistency of the testicles”
Boys…now is the time to get a check up
To highlight this problem, Whelehans are holding reduced price health checkups this Thursday June 16th and Friday June 17th for men only to encourage men take the first step and get their health checked. “Men Checkups” available in Whelehans this week includes Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Diabetes and Haemoglobin Checks. Whelehans are offering these four checks at a discounted price of only €15. Ann McNelis from Whelehans Pharmacy explains “men die younger from heart related conditions than women so our health check initiative this week is all heart related, hence BP, cholesterol and diabetes checks”. While it is important that men then go to their GP to get a full checkup; Whelehans hope that their checks may be the first step for many. If there is a health issue bugging you, this could be a chance to discuss it with a pharmacist. Staff of Whelehans will have fun events and goodies and vouchers for all men who call in on June 16th and 17th, so while the message is serious checkups don’t have to be daunting. Your check up only takes 30 minutes and involves a single finger prick (so no big needles!!). So ladies, get your men down to Whelehans this week. There is no excuse!! Call Whelehans at 04493 34591 to book our check or like us on facebook
For more information on Men’s Health Intiative check out